Getting Bigger

It’s amazing how fast time flies. It seems like just yesterday that I first took that pregnancy test and made that call to Brian. I’m now 25 weeks along although the above picture was taken at 24 weeks. I didn’t gain much weight during the first 5 months but I think I’m making up for lost time now (although I keep insisting that Brian is shrinking my clothes). The first trimester was the hardest so far. I was always, always tired but luckily I never had morning sickness. I started feeling more like myself during the beginning of the second trimester. But, by the end of the second trimester I really started enjoying being pregnant.

I don’t think anything will ever make me feel like I do when Baby McLaughlin kicks and stretches inside of me. It’s the most amazing feeling ever! Every day I’m falling deeper and deeper in love with him. It’s a feeling I cannot fully describe. I am so thankful for my life, my husband, and the baby growing inside of me.