Maureen’s BIG 3-0

Update: 30 was a long time ago. As a kid my dream was to be a marine biologist. So, being this close to the marine life at Sea World was like a dream come true. Now, as an adult – a real experienced adult – I realize just how bad it was for these creatures to be in such small tanks. For me, it was still the experience of a lifetime. But, I also realize that there is nothing greater than experiencing nature in nature. I don’t go to Sea World anymore. I go to the ocean to see marine life, in its native habitat.

I celebrated my big 3-0 birthday as a Sea World Trainer for a Day. It was the greatest experience of my life thus far. I swam with dolphins, walked an otter, ran a Sea Wold show, and fed a killer whale. It’s going to be really tough to top this one.