Bella Gets Spayed

Poor Bella Mia. Bella has evaded the vet for quite some time now but the time has finally come – she needed to be “fixed”. I couldn’t think of a better time to do it. I’m not working right now since I’m home taking care of Ethan. I decided it was now or never. She went into heat for the third time shortly after Ethan was born and neither Brian or I want to go through that again. I called the vet and made an appointment. We took her in on Saturday, July 18th for her physical exam and pre-op blood work and made the appointment for Wednesday. The test results came in on Tuesday and she got the all-clear from the doc so we brought her in bright and early on Wednesday. All went well and Ethan and I picked her up on Thursday. She’s recovering nicely and will be back to her old self in no time!